Unique Properties
Zinc is an essential trace mineral needed by the body for a diverse range of functions. While large amounts of zinc are deposited in bone and muscle, these stores are not easily available to the rest of the body, making daily intake and absorption vital. Dietary intake among Americans frequently falls below what is recommended. Additionally, certain dietary factors, such as phytic acid found in grains and high fiber foods, can interfere with the body's absorption of minerals. Individuals susceptible to zinc deficiency include the elderly, the immuno-compromised, those on parenteral nutrition, and burn victims.
Because zinc is ionized in the gut prior to absorption, Patient One supplies 30 mg of zinc as Zinc Bisglycinate, a totally reacted, nutritionally functional zinc amino acid chelate. In this proprietary TRAACS® formulation, zinc is coupled with two glycine molecules to facilitate its absorption across the intestinal wall and reduce interference from phytates and competing minerals. This form has been shown to be readily absorbed by the body.